Tuesday, November 27, 2012

15th LE's Review - Animal Madness

I know that it is no longer a fact that I am totally in love with animal prints, especially the ones that were inspired by feline species, and when the newest collection of LE was out, I was like squeaking in delight and  excitement to see such prints were implied in the whole collection. It was like a box of surprise, exploded with animal prints everywhere once it is opened.

There were on shoes, on clothes, on handbags, on everything! And speaking of boxes, the prints were even on the boxes, how cute! Oh god what's not to love, right?

I know that I shouldn't be "that" excited, but quite interestingly, just a day before, I was imagining of having leopard printed pumps for my medoll, and unexpectedly today not only a pair of pumps were released, there were more than a pair to choose from! That's why I was like in shock of excitement to see those prints everywhere in the collection, it's like Stardoll somehow listen to my fashion prayer, and it is somewhat creepy. Hmm.

Anyway, moving on to the store, like we all knew, the store was out unexpectedly without spoilers and everything. However lucky me, I was ready for LE and managed to save up some stardollars prior to the release of it as I am one of those users who believe in the theory of "LE will be out after Gift-O-Meter" thingy in Stardoll. So when the Gift-O-Meter was out around two weeks ago, I just have this feeling in my gut that LE will be out soon, and indeed it came out true. So dollies, take this tips for future usage, it's very useful next time in predicting when LE's gonna out, although it is not always true :)


pictures' source

For me, the collection can be considered as a good one compared to the previous collection, and although there are few things that I think are not really fulfilling the LE standard, they are at least not so disastrous and still acceptable.

Again, I always wish that Stardoll would keep the original designs like shown in the runway and not destroying the pieces by making one piece into two, or adding whatnots addition to make it somewhat cohesive. The choice of colours are kinda okay this time, eventhough I can still see few annoyingly neons here and there.

So here are the things that I bought from the store, although I might be buying couple things more if they were still in stock, like the Moto Jacket and the Heart Platforms. The numerals in the picture are my Top 5 favourite pieces from the whole collection, and I also had made a bit stylings for the items just for the sake of getting some idea of what kind of outfits I gonna incorporate them with.

So yeah, my Top 5 items are:
1 - Steampunk Platforms - 40$
2 - Leopard Print Mules - 50$
3 - Leopard Crossbody Satchel - 55$
4 - Limited Edition Sweatshirt - 55$
5 -  LE Glitter Denim - 55$

I really love those shoes that I bought from this collection, and although the Steampunk Platforms was not really in many users' cup of tea, I ranked the platforms higher than the others because I just love them! The shoes are unique and one of a kind in Stardoll, and I can predict many edgy users in Stardoll will find great use in them! 

So overall, I think this collection is pretty good and decent, although I do still find it a bit hard to incorporate in outfits...well maybe that was just me. Anyway, I think Stardoll is really has been listening to users especially toward the quality of LE as I could see some progression in it, although it's not really that much. But still, its the efforts that count, right?

So, what's better to end this post than by posting LE look, no? So by that, I end this post by showing the photo of me wearing the latest (and hardest to style) LE. In this outfit I am trying to achieve feminine tropical look with tribal infusion, so I matched the top with sarong with complimentary colours and pattern, paired with pink accessories to complete the look.

Till the next post, dollies.


  1. Hahahaha I am one of those Gift-o-meter believers as well, but I didn't even think about it this time... O.o I love the outfit you made, btw.

  2. I love this Outfit so much, this shirt is one of the few things I would buy from this collection. But I was too late (like always..) and the best pieces aren't aviable anymore. ^^

    1. haha thanks! Don't worry, its better that way I think, at least you got time to be practical in choosing what to buy..

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